Friday, 27 February 2015

Family Day Out

My dad got free passes to the River Safari and it was the day after internship was over so why not wake up at 8am to see the pandas? Hahaha the waking up part wasn't that fantastic but at least the pandas were awake and moving. Visual post cos well, what else can you do when you're there with a phone?

Hello from the Chuis!

Aren't these creatures just majestic?

They had an entire souvenir shop just for panda merchandise. Unbelievable.

I think my brother and I had more fun in the gift shop at the end of our journey than throughout the journey itself.

For some reason, the first photo my mom takes of us is always unfocused. But I quite like it that way.

That's my brother's birthday present. It was a stuffed hedgehog called Spikey Spike. I said it looked more like a Pete than a Spikey Spike and my cousin agreed and told him in a very matter-of-fact manner "You need to up your name game man".

I guess this makes up for not being able to take a photo carrying a live panda.

(Mom actually thought she could carry the panda and take a photo like she did with koalas in Australia. I think she forgot the pandas here are probably 3 times her weight)

Ps. Anyone knows why the photo border gets wider when I have more text in the captions? Is there a way to have it all the same throughout the post, regardless of the amount of caption I have?

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